FREE - Soothe with sound activity FREE - Soothe with sound activity FREE - Soothe with sound activity COMING SOON - Free sound activity to calm and transform through times of change A collaboration of women sharing their stories about how to live a life of more joy, authenticty and freedom. The book, Lead with Love, release date Feb 4, 2025 Book Yoga, Sound baths and Events ‘White Swan Sound and Yoga’ is an intuitive and heart felt place that utilises sound and yoga to help you connect within and further explore your internal world. Learn more Allow me to show you ways of being that support a peaceful, free and joyous life! Hi everyone and welcome! I'm Charlotte and I am an Integral Sound Healing Practitioner, Yoga and Advanced Meditation Teacher, Mum of two children, Lecturer in Early Childhood & lover of life. I live a life that is positive and full of learning, knowing that all new learnings influence my creativity, brain & DNA! I work with women, men, small groups and large organisations worldwide, both in person and online to: Develop a yoga practise, or continue a varied and creative yoga practise to help improve mobility, reduce stress & support the physical & energetic body. Learn more Participate in 1 : 1 or small group sound healing tailored to your physical or emotional health needs and experience release, deep relaxation and a higher vibrational state. Learn more Harness the power of a group sound bath and allow the body to deeply relax and release. Learn more Learn specific sound and yoga practises to adopt in your daily life to facilitate inner calm, clarity and alignment. Learn more Utilise yoga and meditation to connect with your own inner resources to find inner calm and alignment to life purpose. Learn more Want exclusive sound and yoga practises to support your relaxation and self-development? Subscribe to my newsletter to stay connected and receive two gifts ~ a yoga class suitable for all and a recording of the chant 'Wahe Guru' free! First Name Last Name Email Address Yes Please! I absolutely detest spam and will always respect your privacy. Thankyou! I've just sent you a confirmation email (be sure to check your junk mail as it sometimes tries to hide there!) with a direct link to your gifted yoga class and chant so that you can reference it, and revisit it, anytime you like.I am so excited that you be receiving sound and yoga practises to support your wellbeing. I know how much they have helped me, so I am excited to be sharing them with you too!May you always keep peace and love in your heartCharlotte x