A sound bath is held in a group space & you have the opportunity to create your own intention.
What to expect in a Sound Bath Session
During a Session
Often the session will begin with a breathing exercise to help you relax and help you to 'arrive' in your body.
Each time you experience a sound bath you will have a different experience - dependant on your personal circumstance on the day, your reactions to the sounds played and the other people in the space.
Instruments can include a drum, quartz crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, my voice, harmonium, koshi chimes and gongs.
After a Session
After a session it is good to have some free time planned where you can simply ‘be’, journal or go for a gentle walk.
It is important to drink plenty of water and a bath with Epsom salts can also help the body in the process of release. Alternatively a bath with 2 cups of apple cider vinegar will help the body's nervous system and support the release of toxins released during the session.
Many people feel the benefits of the sound session for a couple of days, and sometime continue to receive insights around their intention over that time.
What’s involved
Each sound bath is 60 -90 minutes and involves:
Welcome – breathing exercise and creating an intention for the session (eg: all the cells in my body return to optimal functioning level);
Lying on your yoga mat, fully clothed with shoes off. People bring their own blankets, pillows, eye pillows - whatever they need to be comfortable. A chair can also be arranged on request;
Sound healing instruments being played at the front of the room, and perhaps closer to your body;