How does sound healing work?

Often I am asked this question, how does sound healing work?

Sound healing seems like a new way of managing our health issues. However, traditional cultures have been using sound, and movement, for many years to help them release and heal. It is becoming more recognised now as science is starting to be able to measure the effects of sound healing.

There a few basic principles in sound healing and why it works.

We often think of sound as travelling through the air, which it does, but it also travels through matter, like water. And as we are made up of around 70% water, sound is able to travel through us.

One concept is entrainment. You may have heard of this before but in relation to different circumstances. Most people know that when a group of women stay together their periods start to cycle together and this is called entrainment. It is the same for sound - the body reflects the patterns and rhythms of the sounds and incorporates them into its own system. So for example, the sound of the drum played in a particular way, will enable the brain waves to reflect the rhythm and it will allow the listener to drop into a meditative state. And this is why we can often feel so deeply relaxed, so easily.

Sound healing works on the premise that we are a big ball of vibrations - and this is supported now by quantum physics - and each cell has it’s own vibrations. When we are unwell our cells vibrations levels have dropped from their optimal level; and sound is one of the ways we can help them lift to the optimal level. Often people say sound healing is like tuning an instrument, or a sound massage as it can have the same effects as a deep massage.

An individual sound healing gives you the opportunity to focus on your individual health needs - emotional, physical pain, sleep or mood. A group sound bath is a more general session with a group intention and the energy of the group is lifted to the highest vibration in the room. Group sound baths can be done at yoga centres, Geelong Corporates, retreats, events, training sessions, hens day and many other places!

When you have a sound healing session, you will feel it in your own body.

If you would like to experience this for yourself, you can find out more info, and book in at my website: White Swan Sound and Yoga


How did you get into sound healing?